Zhejiang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd.


2023-12-25 12:51:35

Natural disasters are ruthless, but there is love in the world | Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd. donated 250,000 yuan in relief supplies to Gansu

       Recently, Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province suffered a 6.2-magnitude earthquake. The weather is severely cold and the disaster affects the hearts of people across the country. On the afternoon of the 21st, a special car loaded with cold-proof materials departed from Hengdian. 2,000 sets of thermal underwear and more than 100 quilts donated by Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd. are expected to arrive in the disaster area in three days to bring warmth to the people in the disaster area. and caring.     

    At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the open space in front of Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd. was filled with materials. More than ten staff members checked the items on site, packed the bags, and then loaded the materials into the car together. The reporter noticed that the staff carefully put a label on the outside of each packaging bag that read, "Watch and help each other, care about Gansu." “The red label looks bright and I hope it can cheer them up.    

       Li Zhenxing, general manager of Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd. said. In recent days, Li Zhenxing has been paying close attention to the progress of disaster relief. "The disaster area is experiencing low temperatures of minus ten degrees Celsius, and there is an urgent need for winter clothing and other cold-proof equipment. We want to provide help within our ability, so that at least the affected people can wear warm clothes."1703479640183568.jpeg

上一篇:Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Conducts Fire Safety Education Activities