Zhejiang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd.


2023-11-22 13:28:52

Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Conducts Fire Safety Education Activities

         To enhance employees' awareness of fire prevention and emergency evacuation, enhance their adaptability and self-protection ability in emergency situations, and create a good fire safety environment. On November 18, 2023, Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd. conducted a fire safety emergency evacuation drill.


            Winter is a fire prone season, with November entering the winter season and the weather being relatively dry, making it a high risk period for fires. During this season, it is necessary to remind all departments to do a good job in fire prevention and control.

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上一篇:Jointly Going to the Future with Magnetic Resonance "- The 31st Anniversary Group Building Activity of Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet
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