Zhejiang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd.


2023-02-01 14:05:25

Good luck starting construction in 2023| Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd

    At the beginning of the New Year, everything is renewed, and the atmosphere of the Spring Festival has not yet dissipated. With the blessings of the Year of the Rabbit, Zhongzhenyong has embarked on a new journey in 2023. The company leaders will send the red envelopes prepared early for the start of the project to each employee's hands, exchanging New Year's greetings and creating a lively and enthusiastic atmosphere.

    After a pleasant and long Spring Festival holiday, our company started construction normally on February 1, 2023, and all work continued to operate as usual.

    The joy and excitement of the Spring Festival still linger in my heart, but a new journey has already begun. At the beginning of the new year, we will bring better service to all customers with a brand new attitude and full enthusiasm, never forgetting our original intention, and forge ahead.


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