Zhejiang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd.


2022-11-19 13:57:28

Pay Attention to Fire Protection and Prevent from "Burning" -2022 Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd. Fire Drill

    On November 19, 2022, Dongyang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd. conducted the 2022 annual fire emergency drill. In order to strengthen the safety awareness of employees, improve their emergency self rescue ability, and improve the emergency response ability of the enterprise, we specially invited the enterprise fire safety consultant Ma Gong to provide fire safety training for all employees of the company.

    This drill is divided into three parts: fire knowledge training, emergency evacuation drill, and training on the use of fire equipment.

    Safety can be practiced, life cannot be rehearsed. This evacuation drill is not only a fire safety evacuation drill, but also an emergency evacuation drill for enterprises in case of safety incidents. Through this fire safety drill, all employees became familiar with the emergency escape routes in the factory, further enhancing their safety awareness, and truly mastering the basic methods of rapid escape, self rescue, and mutual rescue in danger.


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