Zhejiang Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet Co., Ltd.


2022-09-30 13:37:55

Celebrating National Day


    On December 2, 1949, the Central People's Government passed the Resolution on the National Day of the People's Republic of China, stipulating October 1 as the National Day of the People's Republic of China and using this day as the day for declaring the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Since 1950, October 1st has become a grand festival for all ethnic groups in China. In order to welcome the arrival of National Day, the leadership team of Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet hung the bright red five-star red flag at the factory gate early, and the entire factory area was also filled with a strong National Day atmosphere.

    On the occasion of the approaching National Day, in accordance with relevant national regulations and in combination with the actual situation of our company, and after research and decision by the leadership team, we hereby notify the following matters regarding the National Day holiday in 2022:

1、 The National Day holiday of the administrative department of Zhongzhen Permanent Magnet is set to be from October 1st to 4th, totaling 4 days. Work on Wednesday, October 5th.

2、 Before leaving the company on vacation, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the office area, tidy up the desktop, and keep personal office items; Turn off the power of personal computers and other office equipment, cut off the sockets and power switches of electrical equipment, lock doors and windows, and do a good job in fire prevention and theft prevention.   

3、 Management personnel of each branch and department must keep their phones on 24/7 during holidays to ensure timely communication of information.

On the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, I hope everyone can make full use of their holidays to spend more time with their families.

Wishing you a pleasant holiday!

上一篇:WeChat official account officially opened!
下一篇:Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and never forgetting our original intention to showcase our style, Zhongzhen employees hold onto their positions and show their responsibility!